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Finals Exemption

Senior Finals Exemption 2025

During the second semester, some seniors may be eligible for finals exemption based on the
following criteria: Starting January 6th, 2024:

In order to be exempt from 2nd-semester finals, current seniors must meet the following

1. No suspensions, AND
2. No unexcused absences, AND
3. No more than 5 days of excused absences, AND
4. No more than 10 tardies, AND
5. Must meet the following requirements for the specific class for which they wish to have
the final waived.

a. 5 or fewer excused absences and an A or B average, OR
b. 3 or fewer excused absences and a C average, OR
c. 1 or fewer excused absences and a passing grade.

The attendance period will run from January 6th to May 9th.

Check your attendance regularly.
Any school-related activities ARE NOT counted toward the absence total listed above (i.e.
band, athletics, clubs, etc.)