Schedule Change Policy
Schedule Change Policy
Students may make changes to schedules before the start of each semester. They may also make changes during the first three (3) days of Semester 1 with a Class Change Request and the required parent signature. Between days four and six of Semester 1, students may make changes by filling out a drop/add form and obtaining the signatures of both the dropping and receiving teachers and a parent. Any changes made after day six of Semester 1 will be at the request of a teacher or counselor, and with an administrator's approval, for the purpose of balancing class enrollments or other extenuating circumstances.
Schedule changes for Semester 2 must be made prior to the semester starting. Any changes made during Semester 2 will be at the request of a teacher or counselor, and with an administrator's approval, for the purpose of balancing class enrollments or other extenuating circumstances.
No student will be placed in a full classroom. No changes will be made if the request impedes progress toward a student's graduation.
How to Drop a Class
A student who drops a class (other than intradepartmental transfers) after the first three weeks of any semester will receive a semester grade of "F". This grade will be part of the student's transcripts and GPA. In cases of extended illness or extenuating circumstances, the grade of "F" may be appealed.