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National Honor Society


National Honor Society at Lawrence High School


*Due to an accumulation of snow days, we have to postpone our first NHS group meeting to February. Please check off January on your Point Sheet as receiving those points for the month. The NHS Board will be meeting next week to discuss the larger group projects for the Spring semester. If you need an extra point sheet or another service log form, stop by Student Services. I have copies at my desk.





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-April Lamb is looking for a volunteer to help her with her organization, Foster Village. Here’s a job description of what she’s looking for. I wonder if an LHS student might be a good fit?

-MEETING ON FEBRUARY 26TH 2025 - We will discussing new service projects for the Spring.


*Head down to Student Services and tell Dr. Ruis what the four NHS pillars are and receive two points on your Point Sheet. Dr. Ruis must sign off  on your sheet.* (BEFORE/AFTER SCHOOL OR BETWEEN PASSING PERIOD ONLY)



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*Service Projects You Can Do From Home or in a Small Group*

Message Dr. Ruis with questions

I will continue to add to this sheet, so check it frequently as you need ideas.

Donate Blood - Call the Red Cross to make an appointment 1-800-RED-CROSS

Linus Project - Make a blanket for a child in need. Details can be found here:

Bring your completed blanket to Dr. Ruis for donation

Thank you notes to essential workers. I have some cards in my room (102). You can come get some from me or use your own. Write a message of gratitude to essential workers and deliver them. (Think of places that usually don’t get acknowledged - gas station attendants, grocery store cashiers. . .) Deliver them with a smile and let Dr. Ruis know where you went. If you want to work in partners or groups of 3-4, you can use Student Services as a workspace.

Organize a Campus Clean Up for any evening after school. Let Dr. Ruis know what evening works for you to organize a group (you can create a sign-up genius). We will get bags and gloves for you.

Gather books and donate them to one of the “little libraries” in Lawrence.

Gather supplies for the Lawrence Humane Society. They appreciate towels, sheets, or linens used for bedding or cleaning. Any paper towels or wipes. Current drop-off procedure is to take items inside and leave them on the donation table.  If some of you want to take this on as a project at school, we could add collection boxes at LHS.  DM me if you want to get a group together to organize.

You might also be able to volunteer as a dog walker, or in the cat room to help socialize the animals.

Tutor. We often get requests for tutors. If you feel like you can assist students, and you are willing to tutor for free, this is a great way to earn in-district hours. Add your information to the Google Document for us to share with students/parents in need. We get a lot of calls for the core subjects, but we also get calls for help with electives like drafting.

Organize a food drive for Just Foods Pantry or donate to one of the little pantries in the community

Write cards for people in care homes. You can make cards or use cards you have. Write a note to brighten the day of someone who hasn’t been able to have friends or family visit it for almost a year.  Bring me your envelopes, and I will mail them for you.

Clear walks for someone who can’t do it themselves. No business, no relatives, and no one that could do it themselves. Do not accept payment.

Knit or crochet a scarf, hat, or gloves to donate to someone in need. If you have access to a sewing machine, I’ve seen some great scarfs made from old t-shirts. (Pinterest is your friend here)

The mental health team is compiling some videos to help students with a variety of issues including stress, anxiety, organization, homework management, test preparation. . . Do you have helpful tips other students might benefit from? Are you willing to share your ideas?  Make a video incorporating your best advice and send it to Dr. Ruis. 

Repurpose your old clothes and do good things for the environment in the process. Create shopping totes from your old t-shirts. Bring them to Dr. Ruis to distribute in the community. Instructions are here:

Or here:

Steve Gasper is looking for a small group (possibly 2-3 students) to clean grave markers for his parents and a friend at Memorial Park Cemetery. Steve estimates that this is a 2-hour project (including mobilization and demobilization). Let Dr. Ruis know if you are interested in pursuing this service project.

SENIOR NHS MEMBERS - Remember, you need to complete 40 service hours by April 30th, 2025. Let me know if you have any questions.

JUNIOR/SENIOR NHS MEMBERS - You need to complete your Point Sheet by April 30th, 2025.

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