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Results 2019
Forensics Results 2019
Jan. 25, Lansing HS
1st place, Congressional Debate - Novice, Sami Tucker
2nd place, Congressional Debate - Novice, Helen Viloria
Jan. 26, DeSoto HS
1st place, Domestic Extemporaneous Speaking, Vera Petrovic, state qualifier
1st place, Prose Interpretation, Rachel Krambeer, state qualifier
1st place, Program of Oral Interpretation, Violet Belt
1st place, Dramatic Interpretation, Eli Mardis
2nd place, Impromptu Speaking, Vera Petrovic, state qualifier
2nd place, Foreign Extemporaneous Speaking, Rachel Krambeer
2nd place, Duo Interpretation, Claire Howard & Evelyn Serbet
3rd place, Foreign Extemporaneous Speaking, Anthony Racy
3rd place, Prose Interpretation, Violet Belt
5th place, Dramatic Interpretation, Jasper Mumford
5th place, Original Oration, Rachel Krambeer
5th place, Poetry Interpretation, Jasper Mumford
6th place, Prose Interpretation, Joel Rose
Feb. 2, St. Thomas Aquinas
2nd place, Poetry Interpretation, Jasper Mumford, state qualifier
3rd place, Dramatic Interpretation, Eli Mardis
4th place, Duo Interpretation, Claire Howard & Evelyn Serbet
5th place, Prose Interpretation, Eli Mardis
6th place, Program of Oral Interpretation, Jasper Mumford
Feb. 8, Olathe South HS
1st place, Nov Extemporaneous Speaking, Eliot Manning
1st place, Nov Original Oration, Callia Peterson
1st place, Nov Informative Speaking, Helen Viloria
2nd place, Nov Extemporaneous Speaking, Bryce Erickson
3rd place, Nov Original Oration, Kaileb Ordiway
6th place, Congressional Debate - House, Jake Shew
Feb. 8-9, Washburn Rural HS
1st place, JV Dramatic Interpretation, Luke Simpson-Merz
2nd place, Lincoln-Douglas Debate, Haylee Rose, 4-0 win/loss
6th place, JV Domestic Extemporaneous Speaking, Bryce Erickson
Feb. 22, Shawnee Mission North HS
3rd place, Congressional Debate - House, Jenna Riggins
5th place, Congressional Debate - Senate, Anthony Racy
6th place, Congressional Debate - Senate, Joel Rose
Feb. 23, Shawnee Mission Northwest HS
2nd place, Sweepstakes Award
2nd place, Domestic Extemporaneous Speaking, Vera Petrovic, state qualifier, FCI qualifier
2nd place, Program of Oral Interpretation, Violet Belt, state qualifier
3rd place, Prose Interpretation, Lakota Levandowski, state qualifier
5th place, Impromptu Speaking, Jenna Riggins
6th place, Impromptu Speaking, Vera Petrovic
Feb. 23, Topeka West HS
5th place, Domestic Extemporaneous Speaking, Carson Redmond
March 1-2, Olathe Northwest HS
1st place, Domestic Extemporaneous Speaking, Vera Petrovic, state qualifier, FCI qualifier
1st place, Congressional Debate - House, Nicole Aqui
1st place, Nov Lincoln-Douglas Debate, Jake Shew
2nd place, Congressional Debate - House, Joel Rose
4th place, Duo Interpretation, Jared Cote' & Lex Moulton, state qualifier
4th place, Congressional Debate - House, Jenna Riggins
5th place, Congressional Debate - House, Helen Viloria
5th place, Congressional Debate - House, Anthony Racy
6th place, Impromptu Speaking, Vera Petrovic
6th place, Congressional Debate - House, Samantha Turner
8th place, Dramatic Interpretation, Lex Moulton
March 2, Basehor-Linwood HS
3rd place, Impromptu Speaking, Banner Williams, state qualifier
6th place, Duo Interpretation, Gretchen Bannwarth & Fiona Graves
March 5-9, CFL National Qualifier at St. Thomas Aquinas HS, Shawnee Mission South HS, and Sumner Academy
National Qualifier, Congressional Debate - House, Joel Rose
National Qualifier, Congressional Debate - House, Anthony Racy
National Qualifier, Congressional Debate - House, Helen Viloria
National Qualifier, Lincoln-Douglas Debate, Haylee Rose
National Qualifier, Lincoln-Douglas Debate, Amelia Vasquez
National Qualifier, Duo Interpretation, Jared Cote' & Lex Moulton
National Qualifier, Oral Declamation, Jenna Riggins
National Qualifier, Oral Interpretation of Literature, Jasper Mumford
4th place, Dramatic Interpretation, Jared Cote' (Nat qual declined, preferred Duo Interp)
9th place, Original Oration, Aurelia Balcazar
March 8-9, Lawrence Free State HS
2nd place, Informative Speaking, Samantha Turner, state qualifier
2nd place, Program of Oral Interpretation, Violet Belt, state qualifier, FCI qualifier
2nd place, Prose Interpretation, Jack Malin, state qualifier
2nd place, Poetry Interpretation, Jack Malin, state qualifer
2nd place, Congressional Debate - House, Joel Rose
4th place, Foreign Extemporaneous Speaking, Tony Racy
4th place, Informative Speaking, Helen Viloria
4th place, Congressional Debate - House, Tony Racy
5th place, Congressional Debate - House, Samantha Turner
5th place, Congressional Debate - House, Helen Viloria
5th place, Humorous Interpretation, Kate O'Keefe
7th place, Prose Interpretation, Violet Belt
March 22-23, Mill Valley HS
1st place, Duo Interpretation, Jared Cote' & Lex Moulton, state qualifier, FCI qualifier
1st place, Dramatic Interpretation, Jared Cote', state qualifier
1st place, Congressional Debate - House, Helen Viloria
2nd place, Dramatic Interpretation, Lex Moulton
3rd place, Duo Interpretation, Claire Howard & Evelyn Serbet
4th place, Program of Oral Interpretation, Jasper Mumford
4th place, Congressional Debate - House, Joel Rose
5th place, Domestic Extemporaneous Speaking, Jake Shew
6th place, Lincoln-Douglas Debate, Jake Shew
March 26, Blue Valley North HS
1st place, Original Oration, Kaileb Ordiway, state qualifier
1st place, Foreign Interpretation, Frances Williams, state qualifier
3rd place, Original Oration, Callia Peterson
3rd place, Prose Interpretation, Callia Peterson
4th place, Informative Speaking, Samantha Turner
6th place, Dramatic Interpretation, Ellie Bates
March 28-29, Shawnee Mission South HS
2nd place, Original Oration non-qual division, Rachel Krambeer, state qualifier
3rd place, Duo Interpretation, Ellie Bates & Jasper Mumford
3rd place, Program of Oral Interpretation, Violet Belt
4th place, Program of Oral Interpretation, Jasper Mumford
4th place, Impromptu Speaking, Kaileb Ordiway
4th place, Original Oration non-qual division, Callia Peterson
5th place, Original Oration, Callia Peterson
5th place, Poetry Interpretation non-qual division, Rachel Krambeer
6th place, Foreign Interpretation, Frances Williams
March 28-29, NSDA Congressional Debate National Qualifier at SM South HS
National Qualifier, Congressional Debate - House, Joel Rose
5th place, Congressional Debate - Senate, Jenna Riggins
9th place, Congressional Debate - House, Helen Viloria
April 4, Bishop Seabury HS (non-qualified only)
2nd place, Sweepstakes Award
2nd place, Duo Interpretation, Ellie Bates & Jasper Mumford, state qualifier
3rd place, Informative Speaking, Elyssa Hancock
3rd place, Impromptu Speaking, Katie Ahern
3rd place, Prose Interpretation, Jasper Mumford
5th place, Duo Interpretation, Gretchen Bannwarth & Fiona Graves
5th place, Impromptu Speaking, Sophie Bracker-Sturm
5th place, Informative Speaking, Zach Acker
6th place, Prose Interpretation, Gretchen Bannwarth
6th place, Impromptu Speaking, Elijah Paden
6th place, Informative Speaking, Elyssa Hancock
6th place, Poetry Interpretation, Rachel Krambeer
April 5-6, Piper HS
3rd place, Sweepstakes Award
1st place, Domestic Extemporaneous Speaking, Vera Petrovic, state qualifier, FCI qualifier
1st place, Impromptu Speaking, Vera Petrovic, state qualifier, FCI qualifier
1st place, Lincoln-Douglas Debate, Amelia Vasquez
2nd place, Program of Oral Interpretation, Violet Belt, state qualifier
2nd place, Informative Speaking, Samantha Turner, state qualifier
3rd place, Original Oration, Aurelia Balcazar
3rd place, Impromptu Speaking, Kaileb Ordiway, state qualifier
3rd place, Lincoln-Douglas Debate, Haylee Rose
5th place, Humorous Interpretation, Kate O'Keefe
6th place, Impromptu Speaking, Jenna Riggins, state qualifier
April 12-13, NSDA East Kansas District Qualifying Tournament at Olathe Northwest
1st place, Duo Interpretation, Jared Cote' & Lex Moulton, national qualifier
1st place, Dramatic Interpretation, Jared Cote', national qualifier, deferred for DUO
2nd place, Domestic Extemporaneous Speaking, Vera Petrovic, deferred for World Schools Debate
2nd place, Program of Oral Interpretation, Jasper Mumford, deferred for Duo
3rd place, Duo Interpretation, Ellie Bates & Jasper Mumford, national qualifier
4th place, Original Oration, Aurelia Balcazar, national qualifier
4th place, Informative Speaking, Sami Turner
World Schools Debate Team, Haylee Rose & Vera Petrovic, national qualifiers
April 19-20, Shawnee Mission East
5th place, Duo Interpretation, Gretchen Bannwarth & Fiona Graves
7th place, Impromptu Speaking, Sophia Bracker Sturm
April 27, Forensics Coaches Invitational
4th place, Original Oration, Aurelia Balcazar
May 3-4, KSHSAA 6A State Speech Championship at Olathe East
1st place, Dramatic Interpretation, Jared Cote'
1st place, Impromptu Speaking, Vera Petrovic
2nd place, Duo Interpretation, Jared Cote' & Lex Moulton
3rd place, Duo Interpretation, Ellie Bates & Jasper Mumford
6th place, Program of Oral Interpretation, Jasper Mumford
Semifinalist, Domestic Extemporaneous Speaking, Vera Petrovic
Semifinalist, Dramatic Interpretation, Lex Moulton
Semifinalist, Duo Interpretation, Gretchen Bannwarth & Fiona Graves
Semifinalist, Program of Oral Interpretation, Violet Belt