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2011-12 Accomplishments

Results from the 2011-12 Season

Sep. 16-17 St. James Academy

5th place, Varsity Division, Alex Glanzman('12) and Megan Tunget('12), 3-2 win/loss, 22 speaker points

7th place, Varsity Division, Lauren Pauls('13) and Eddie Loupe('13), 3-2 win/loss, 22 speaker points

8th place, Junior Varsity Division, Katie Gaches('14) and Sarah Smoot('14), 3-2 win/loss, 25 speaker points


Sep. 24 Emporia

3rd place, Open Division, Alex Glanzman('12) and Megan Tunget('12), 5-1 win/loss, semifinalist

10th place, Open Division, Lauren Pauls('13) and Eddie Loupe('13), 4-1 win/loss, 22 speaker points

10th place, Novice Division, Julia Silverstein('14) and Sarah Smoot('14), 3-2 win/loss, 22 speaker points


Sep. 24 Shawnee Mission Northwest

2nd place, Junior Varsity Division, Charles Hopkins('13) and Cody DeFazio('13), 5-0 win/loss, 18 speaker points

6th place, Novice Division, Sophia VonFeldt('15) and Clara Cobb('15), 3-2 win/loss, 20 speaker points


Oct. 1 Topeka-Seaman

4th place, Open Division, Charles Hopkins('13) and Cody DeFazio('13), 4-1 win/loss, 20 speaker points

6th place, Novice Division, London Koehn('13) and Tiffany Robbins('13), 4-1 win/loss, 22 speaker points


Oct. 8 Rossville

1st place, Novice Division, Julia Silverstein('14) and Isabella Waite('14), 5-0 win/loss, 17 speaker points

8th place, Novice Division, Eric Martinez ('15) and Hannah Lee('15), 3-2 win/loss


Oct. 8 Silver Lake

1st place, Open Division, Alex Glanzman('12) and Megan Tunget('12), 5-0 win/loss, 16 speaker points


Oct. 14-15 Blue Valley West

3rd place, Open Division, Tommy Kitchen('12) and Cody DeFazio('13), 6-1 win/loss, Semi-finalist

4th place, Open Division, Jacob VonFeldt('12) and Ali Yilmaz('12), 4-2 win/loss, Quarterfinalist

7th place, Novice Division, Jacob DiVilbiss('15) and Marcel Wyckoff('15), 4-1 win/loss, 21 speaker points

1st speaker, Varsity Division, Alex Glanzman('12)

5th speaker, Open Division, Jacob VonFeldt('12)


Oct. 15 Shawnee Mission South

6th place, Novice Division, Jason Lee('14) and Mark Stevens('14), 4-1 win/loss, 22 speaks

9th place, Novice Division, Ellie Dunlap('15) and Yelena Birt('15), 3-2 win/loss, 21 speaks


Oct. 21-22 Topeka West

2nd place, Novice Division, Julia Silverstein('14) and Isabella Waite('14), 6-2 win/loss Finalist

4th place, Novice Division, Jason Lee('14) and Mark Stevens('14), 4-2 win/loss Quarterfinalist

4th place, Open Division, Eddie Loupe('13) and Drew Stussie ('12), 4-2 win/loss Quarterfinalist


Oct. 29 Baldwin

4th place, Open Division, Jacob VonFeldt('12) and Ali Yilmaz('12), 4-1 win/loss, 19 speaker points


October 29 LHS Impromptu

4th place, Novice Division, Jason Lee ('14) and Miranda Sexton('15), 4-1 win/loss, 21 speaker points


November 4-5 Lansing

1st place, Sweepstakes Award, 17 wins

1st place, Novice Division, Brooke Braman('14) and Katie Gaches('14), 5-0 win/loss, 20 speaker points

5th place, Novice Division, Sophia VonFeldt('15) and Ellie Dunlap('15), 4-1 win/loss, 22 speaker points

1st place, Open Division, Eddie Loupe('13) and Lauren Pauls('13), 7-1 win/loss, final round winners in a walk-over

2nd place, Open Division, Alex Glanzman('12) and Frances Berghout('13), 7-1 win/loss, finalists in a walk-over


November 4-5 Shawnee Heights

3rd place, Junior Varsity, Charles Hopkins('13) and Cody DeFazio('13), 5-2 win/loss, semifinalists


November 5 Osage City

1st place, Sweepstakes, 12 wins (3 teams)

1st place, Open Division, Kelsey McBride('12) and Lexi Mikel('14), 5-0 win/loss, 19 speaker points

5th place, Open Division, Alex Hilliard('13) and London Koehn('13), 4-1 win/loss, 20 speaker points


November 11-12 Shawnee Mission East

3rd place, Sweepstakes, 14 wins

1st place, Open Division, Eddie Loupe('13) and Lauren Pauls('13), 7-1 win/loss, final round winners

4th place, Open Division, Tommy Kitchen('12) and Kelsey McBride('12), 4-2 win/loss, quarterfinalists

4th place, Varsity Division, Alex Glanzman('12) and Megan Tunget('12), 3-3 win/loss, quarterfinalists


November 11-12 Shawnee Mission West

3rd place, Novice Division, Ellie Dunlap('15) and Hannah Lee('15), 5-2 win/loss, semifinalist


November 18-19 DeSoto

3rd place, Junior Varsity Division, Francis Berghout('13) and Sophia VonFeldt('15), 3-3 win/loss, semifinalists

2nd seed, Junior Varsity Division, Jacob Divilbiss('15) and Marcel Wyckoff('15), 4-1 win/loss record, 20 speaker points(could not advance due to scheduling conflict)


November 18-19 Topeka High

4th place, Open Division, Ellie Dunlap('15) and Hayley Luna('15), 4-2 win/loss, quarterfinalists

3rd place, Open Division, Eddie Loupe('13) and Lauren Pauls('13), 4-3 win/loss, semifinalists

3rd place, Open Division, Kelsey McBride('12) and Lexi Mikel('14), 6-1 win/loss, semifinalists

3rd place, Open Division, Alex Glanzman('12) and Megan Tunget('12), 6-1 win/loss, semifinalists


December 9-10 East Kansas NFL District Tournament at Lansing

3rd place Sweepstakes award, Novice Division, 11 wins

3rd place, Novice Division, Hayley Luna('15) and Ellie Dunlap('15), 4-1 win/loss, 20 speaker points

4th place (1st alternate), Qualifier Division, Alex Glanzman ('12) and Megan Tunget('12), 5-2 win/loss


December 16-17 KSHSAA Regional 4-speaker Tournament at Lawrence HS

3rd place, 6-4 win/loss record,

        Aff: Jacob von Feldt('12)/Megan Tunget('12)/Alex Glanzman('12)

        Neg: Lauren Pauls('13)/Eddie Loupe('13)