FAQ Page (for parents of 1st year Debaters)
If you don't find an answer on this page, feel free to contact me at jplinsky@usd497.org and I'll be happy to help you.
Q: Is Debate a class or a competitive activity?
A: Both. Debate is a co-curricular class. It operates much like Band, Orchestra, or Choir, in that we do classroom activities that are skill and content focused to prepare us for performances/competitions. Debate Tournaments happen on the weekends, and are the culmination of our classroom preparations.
Q: Does my student need to compete every weekend?
A: No. The minimum class requirement is 3 tournaments. Students may choose to compete at more than 3. Competing at more than 3 tournaments offers more educational benefits, opportunities to earn a letter, and potentially a spot or spots in post season tournaments.
Q: How does my student know which weekends s/he is competing?
A: Students sign up using the link on the Debate website for weekends they want to travel. If they have a conflict on a particular weekend, they simply don't sign up. This does require students to plan ahead, and it does require families to discuss scheduling conflicts early in the semester.
Q: What happens if my student can't participate in the minimum number of tournaments?
A: A student who does not compete in three or more tournaments cannot pass Debate class. We view tournaments like tests. Students who take no tests do not pass other classes. Debate is no different. The nice thing about Debate is, families get to plan their tournament schedule ahead of time so there are no surprises as the semester progresses. If there are extraordinary, extenuating circumstances, we will work with a student. But a simple failure to plan ahead is not sufficient to have this requirement waived. The coaching staff recommends families plan for 5 competitions, so that minor illnesses don't put a student's grade at risk. Then, if the student has completed three tournaments and does not want to compete again, the student simply doesn't sign up for the last two tournaments the family had planned for.
Q: How does my student get to tournaments? Do I have to transport him/her?
A: We travel as a team, by school bus or school van. Parents are only responsible for getting their student to LHS in time to meet the bus.
Q: How do I know which tournament(s) my student is signed up for?
A: Your student should be able to tell you whether s/he has signed up for a particular weekend. Managing their schedule is an important skill for students to learn, in order to be successful in high school. The coaching staff will post a travel sheet on the website the week of the tournament. Usually the website is updated Tuesday or Wednesday before a Friday/Saturday tournament. The link to this information will along the left side of the Debate Website, under the "Travel Schedule" tab.
Q: How do I know what time the bus leaves? Does it really leave that early Saturday morning?
A: The "Travel Schedule" page will have a complete schedule of when students will be traveling and competing. Most Saturdays we leave between 5:45 a.m. and 6:30 a.m. in order to be at the host school by 7:30 a.m.
Q: The return time is listed as 3-10 p.m. That's a 7 hour window. Is that an error?
A: Nope. If we have teams do well, and advance through quarterfinals, semifinals, and finals, we will be home late. If no one advances into the elimination rounds, we will watch quarterfinals, and then head home. Our standard procedure is to instruct students to call home as we are leaving the tournament to give you advanced warning of our arrival time. Your student should call you and say something like "We will be home in 45 minutes. Please come pick me up."
Q: Is Debate a spectator sport? Do parents go watch their students debate?
A: Occasionally parents do come watch their students, but it is not the norm. I encourage you to see your student debate at least once in his/her career. But most parents who watch a round or two generally feel like they've seen what they want to see. Debate isn't entertainment. It is a rigorous intellectual competition. If you want to watch your student debate, get in touch with the coaches ahead of time, and we will happily work with you to find the best time and place for all involved.
Q: If my student is really bad at debate, and doesn't win any rounds at tournaments, how will that affect his/her grade?
A: It won't. Tournament points are based purely on whether or not student competes, not whether they win or lose. Winning is its own reward, and generally functions as a motivator. Grades will also be based on assignments handed out in class, practice rounds in class and after school, and research assignments. It is entirely possible for a student to get an "A" without ever winning a debate. However, that is unlikely, because if they do everything we teach them, they will find some success.
Q: What supplies does my student need for Debate?
A: The supply list is located in page 1 of the Debate Course Guide. We do ask each student to contribute one ream of copy paper to the team supply. Students who have a reliable laptop may prefer to debate using their own device. But we will check out a laptop to students who do not have one. Note: tablets and IPads do not work for Debate, at this point. The device must be able to run Microsoft Word, and be able to use macros.
Q: What should my student wear to Debate tournaments? Is there a uniform?
A: I will not worry about the way a student is dressed, so long as it does not violate the policy published in the student handbook. However, our students will be competing in front of community volunteer judges who may have other expectations. While there is no uniform, per se, our students will be competing against other students wearing suits, slacks, business skirts, and other similar attire. If you look at the pictures on the LHS Debate home page, you can get an idea of what debaters typically wear. I want our debaters to wear what makes them feel empowered and credible to members of the public while discussing issues of national importance. If clothing is a concern, please reach out to the coaching staff. We will gladly help find the resources to get kids what they need to be successful.
Q: How does my student get access to meals at tournaments? Does s/he need to pack a lunch?
A: Packing a lunch is always a good option. This is particularly true if your student has dietary restrictions. Many host schools offer some kind of pizza or sandwich lunch deal in the neighborhood of $5-$10 to competitors. If there is no lunch deal offered, we generally pool money from interested students and order pizza to be delivered. If the coaches know ahead of time what the lunch plan is going to be, we will include that information on the travel schedule.